Planning Resilient EV Charging in Texas

Due to population growth, extreme weather, and inland ports in the region, a plan addressing the resiliency of EV charging infrastructure is needed. Through an award by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation Ride and Drive Electric, NCTCOG will lead a team of stakeholders to develop a resilient electric vehicle (EV) charging plan for North Texas. The outcome of this project will be an EV charging resiliency plan that provides actionable recommendations to ensure the continuity of operations of critical EV travel in the event of grid disruptions or outages.
Stakeholders will meet regularly to identify key risks and weaknesses, assess and compile results from existing resilience projects, and identify additional resilience technologies and strategies that need evaluation. In addition to the development of a plan, demonstration projects will test the identified resilience strategies through both a tabletop scenario planning exercise and a test of strategies and equipment carried out at project partner facilities to determine the effectiveness of the strategies.
For more information and to get involved, please contact cleancities@nctcog.org.