The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), which serves as the host agency for Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities (DFWCC), is partnering with GTI Energy’s Department of Energy awarded Houston to Los Angeles (H2LA) I-10 Hydrogen Corridor Study. GTI Energy is a nationwide nonprofit that develops innovative solutions that transform lives, economics, and the environment. The objective of the H2LA project is to create a scalable blueprint for medium- and heavy-duty hydrogen truck fueling infrastructure from Houston to Los Angeles along I-10, as well as along the Texas Triangle.
NCTCOG/DFWCC’s role in the H2LA project includes gathering community and stakeholder feedback for deployment of hydrogen fueling infrastructure in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Two local project advisory groups are providing input for the region, one focused on urban communities and the other focused on rural communities. Input from the advisory groups regarding priorities and concerns on the implementation of hydrogen refueling stations will be documented and used to inform the model. Advisory group members include community groups, local governments, industry organizations, educational institutions, and others. Each group will meet quarterly until the project’s completion in September 2025.
If you are interested in joining one of our regional Local Project Advisory Groups, reach out to us at
Upcoming Meetings
Next Urban Local Project Advisory Group Meeting: Wednesday, October 9, 2:00 PM (Tentative)
Next Rural Local Project Advisory Group Meeting: Wednesday, November 6, 2:00PM
​Q: Does the scope of this project include building hydrogen refueling infrastructure?
A: No, the current scope of the project is to gather data and concerns from affected communities to inform planning rather than the deployment of infrastructure. This project’s goal is to build a replicable model for future building projects to reference, with community and stakeholder input used to inform the model. To see what DFWCC is working on regarding installing hydrogen refueling infrastructure, check our Hydrogen webpage for more information.
Q: Can I send in questions and concerns outside of a meeting?
A: Feel free to email us at with any input, concerns, or questions you may have, or to get more information about the H2LA project.
Q: Can I still get involved even if I am not inside the NCTCOG region?
A: Yes, project partners include the Western Riverside County Clean Cities Coalition and the Alamo Area Clean Cities; if you are outside the NCTCOG region but within their regions, reach out to them for information on how to get involved.
Read more about NCTCOG’s efforts related to hydrogen refueling on the NCTCOG Hydrogen Webpage
4/9/2024 Urban Local Project Advisory Group Meeting #1 Presentation and Summary
6/5/2024 Rural Local Project Advisory Group Meeting #1 Presentation and Summary
7/8/2024 Urban Local Project Advisory Group Meeting #2 Presentation